Tips for Surviving Your First Solo Travel

How to Enjoy Your First Solo Travel

Travelling solo can be an enriching experience that allows you to explore the world on your terms, unconstrained by the preferences or schedules of companions. Solo travel, in all its splendour, has captured the hearts of adventurers seeking both solitude and connection. So are you about to go on you first solo travel adventure? Read on and to find out how to survive this like a boss!

Embarking on a solo journey isn’t without its challenges and considerations, especially if it’s your first time. You will feel lonely, excited, sad, thrilled all at the same time. It’s essential to tread carefully and be well-prepared for the adventures and uncertainties that await so that you can make the most out of this life-changing experience. Is this guide only for first time solo travellers? Not necessarily. The guide is quite general but we do get in depth on some topics so that our first time friends won’t be so lost.

Let’s go!

Choosing a Destination

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Exploring the world solo begins with a crucial decision: choosing your destination. There is a world of difference when choosing a destination when you’re travelling solo (especially as a female) as opposed to when you’re in a group. This initial leap sets the tone for your entire solo travel experience.

Therefore, it is absolutely essential to do your homework and research destinations that not only interest you but also offer a safe and welcoming environment for when you’re on this journey alone.


Firstly, always research the safety of your destination before you travel. Investigate the destination’s current safety situation, taking note of any travel advisories or warnings from reputable sources. For example, travelling to Myanmar right now would be a big no-no, especially with reports on the ongoing civil war in Myanmar. Sure you will read many articles telling you it’s completely safe, or some random girl on a Facebook group going like “Oh don’t listen to what people tell you”.

The question you should ask yourself is – “Do I REALLY wanna take this risk for my first solo travel?” Your answer should be NO. There’s a big fat difference in YOLO-ing and risking your live. Be smart!

Local culture and customs

Next, researching the local culture and customs and understanding the nuances can significantly enhance your travel experience. Language should be an important factor when picking a destination, so assess your comfort level with the local language or whether English is widely spoken.

(Not so) Pro tip: if the destination you pick is a hotspot for tourists, chances are English is widely spoken here. 

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Moreover, accessibility plays a pivotal role in your journey. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is the destination easy to navigate? 
  2. Are there reliable transportation options and infrastructure? 

These questions will determine the smoothness of your adventure. It will be good to plan your transportation in advance and research the most reliable and safe options. For starters, it may be wise to join local Facebook groups where fellow travellers share their insights.

How to join a travel Facebook Group?

  1. Use the search function on Facebook and type <destination> solo travel / girls / nomads.
  2. Make sure you answer the questions the admins have put forward so that you don’t have trouble joining those groups.
  3. If you have an immediate question that needs to be answered in a Facebook group, use the search tool within the group and type in the relevant keywords.
  4. If there are no relevant answers to your query, feel free to ask your questions. Remember to read the group guidelines before you do so.
  5. Once you’ve asked your question, respond to the replies that you get.
  6. Remember to stay on point and be respectful in your engagements (cuz those admins will kick you out if you’re rude, as they should).

However, do take note of any local scams or issues with public transportation and consider using reputable taxi services or ride-sharing apps. If you are on your first solo travel trip and you feel skeptical about using local taxi services,

I highly suggest using Klook airport transfer services. Just type “<destination> airport transfer” and voila, you’re almost there! Sometimes it’s even cheaper to book your airport transfer through Klook.

Most importantly, seek out destinations that resonate with your interests and travel goals. For example, if you are someone who enjoys the hustles and bustles of the city, going on an adventure to a tranquil Ubud might not be a very fun experience for you, and vice versa.

Remember, this is YOUR solo adventure, and it should reflect YOUR dreams and aspirations. With careful consideration and research, you’ll find the perfect solo-friendly destination that promises unforgettable experiences for your first solo travel.

Pre-Travel Preparations For Your First Solo Travel

Now the fun part — planning your solo adventure. Planning is the compass that sets the direction for your solo journey. Start by crafting a detailed itinerary that outlines your destinations, activities, and the duration of your stay in each place.

Research the must-see attractions, local events, and hidden gems. While planning your itinerary, also leave room for spontaneity; some of the most magical moments in solo travel often come from unexpected discoveries.

Packing Essentials and Tips for Solo Travellers

Packing is an art form, especially for solo travellers who have limited baggage space and no one to share the load with. Create a comprehensive packing list that includes essentials like clothing, toiletries, first-aid supplies, and travel documents.

Keep it minimal and versatile, opting for clothing that can be mixed and matched. Packing cubes are a solo traveler’s best friend, helping you stay organized throughout your journey.

Don’t forget essential travel gear such as a reliable backpack, comfortable walking shoes, and a universal adapter to stay connected. Weigh your luggage to avoid overpacking, as traveling light makes your first solo travel much more manageable.

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Documentation and Visas: What You Need to Know

Navigating the bureaucratic maze of visas and travel documents can be daunting, but it’s a vital aspect of your pre-travel preparations. Research the visa requirements for your chosen destination well in advance and ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your trip.

Keep digital and physical copies of your passport, visa, travel insurance, and important contact numbers. It’s wise to have a backup plan, such as storing electronic copies in a secure cloud storage account. Familiarize yourself with local customs regulations, as some countries have strict rules about what you can and cannot bring into their borders.

First Solo Travel: Safety and Security

Solo travellers need to prioritize safety from the moment they step out the door. Personal safety begins with awareness. Before you arrive at your destination, research local safety conditions, common scams, and areas to avoid. Register your travel plans with your embassy or consulate and keep loved ones informed about your whereabouts.

While exploring your destination, practice situational awareness. Keep an eye on your belongings, avoid displaying valuable items, and be cautious when sharing personal information with strangers. Trust your instincts—if a situation feels uncomfortable or unsafe, remove yourself from it.

Solo travellers are often seen as approachable, making it easier to strike up conversations and make new friends. Embrace this opportunity to meet locals and fellow travellers, but remain cautious about divulging personal details. This is a very serious warning. There is a big difference between being friendly and being naive. Do not divulge your accommodation details to strangers and NEVER accept transport from someone you just met.

Additionally, consider carrying safety essentials such as a personal alarm or whistle, and even pepper-spray (if it’s not illegal in that country), a money belt to keep your valuables concealed, and a copy of important documents in a separate location.

Learning a few basic self-defense techniques can also boost your confidence and sense of security. However, tread carefully here — do not aim to fight your attacker but rather aim to slow him/her down so that you can get a head start to run off.

Remember, while solo travel offers unparalleled freedom and adventure, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a positive and secure experience.

Choosing Accommodations for your First Solo Travel

One of the most crucial aspects of solo travel is selecting the right accommodations. It not only sets the tone for your journey but also plays a vital role in your safety, comfort, and overall travel experience, as mentioned above. Here, we’ll explore the various options available to solo travellers, highlighting the pros and cons of each, and provide tips for securing your ideal accommodation.

Pros and Cons of Hostel

Affordability: Hostels are often budget-friendly, making them an excellent choice for solo travellers looking to save money.

Social Atmosphere: Hostels are known for their communal spaces and organized activities, making it easy to meet fellow travellers.

Ideal for Solo Travelers: They cater to solo travellers with dormitory-style rooms and single beds.
Privacy: Dormitory rooms lack privacy, and you may have to share space with strangers.

Noise Level: The social atmosphere can sometimes lead to noisy nights, making it challenging to rest.

Limited Amenities: Hostels may offer fewer amenities compared to hotels.
Pros and Cons of staying in a Hostel for your first solo travel

Pros and Cons of Hotels

Privacy and Comfort: Hotels provide private rooms with amenities, ensuring a comfortable and secure stay.

Service: You can expect a high level of service, including room cleaning and concierge assistance.

Variety: Hotels come in various categories, from budget to luxury, allowing you to choose based on your preferences.
Cost: Hotels can be more expensive than other accommodation options, especially luxury hotels.

Less Social Interaction: Solo travellers seeking a social atmosphere may find hotels less conducive to meeting others.

Less Local Experience: Staying in a hotel may not offer as authentic a cultural experience as other options.
Pros and Cons of staying in a hotel for your first solo travel

Airbnb and Other Vacation Rentals

Home Away from Home: Airbnb offers the chance to stay in a local’s home, providing a unique and personalized experience.

Space and Amenities: You often get access to a fully-equipped kitchen and more space than a hotel room.

Local Insights: Hosts can offer valuable local tips and recommendations.
Less Social Interaction: Like hotels, Airbnb accommodations may have limited opportunities for meeting fellow travellers.

Variability: The quality and amenities of Airbnb properties can vary widely, so thorough research is essential.

Safety Concerns: Ensure the property is in a safe neighborhood, and the host has positive reviews.
Pros and Cons of staying in an Airbnb for your first solo travel

Tips for Booking Accommodations in Advance for your first solo travel

Research Extensively: Read reviews, check safety ratings, and research the neighborhood before booking.

Consider Solo-Friendly Options: Look for accommodations that cater to solo travellers, such as hostels with private rooms.

Book in Advance: Secure your accommodations well ahead of your trip, especially during peak travel seasons.

Safety First: Prioritize safety when choosing a location. Opt for well-lit areas and trusted neighbourhoods.

Contact the Host/Hotel: If you have specific questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the host or hotel before booking.

Selecting the right accommodation for your first solo travel adventure is a critical step toward a memorable and safe journey. Each option has its merits, so weigh the pros and cons carefully to find the perfect fit for your travel style and preferences.

Solo Travel Budgeting

Managing your finances as a solo traveler is essential to ensure a rewarding journey. Start by setting a realistic budget that covers accommodation, transportation, food, activities, and unexpected expenses. Budgeting apps like Mint or YNAB can help you track spending on the go.

When it comes to meals, mix dining out with local street food and groceries to save money. Seek out discounts, deals, and affordable accommodation options such as hostels or Airbnb. 

Prioritize free or low-cost activities and make use of the sharing economy for transportation. Stay flexible, and remember that smart budgeting allows you to enjoy your first solo travel adventure to the fullest without compromising on experiences.

In the world of solo travel, every step is an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and adventure. As you navigate the globe on your own terms, remember the importance of careful planning, safety, and smart budgeting. By choosing the right destination, prioritizing safety, and managing your finances wisely, you can embark on a solo journey filled with unforgettable experiences, meaningful connections, and cherished memories. Whether you’re a seasoned solo traveller or embarking on your first solo expedition, embrace the freedom, and savour the beauty of solo travel, knowing that you have the knowledge and tools to make it a journey of a lifetime.

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